Fish feed processing line US-ZH95


Fish feed processing line US-ZH95


This US-ZH95 line, which mainly serves for the production of fish feed, has the capacity to produce products from 800 kg to 1200 kg per hour. Power consumption of the line is 177 kW. The line consists of different parts: extruder, product spreading vibrator, dryer, product lifting conveyor, 5-layer oven, flavoring equipment and product cooling equipment. By changing the head, it is possible to produce products of different shapes and sizes. In description there is also another model of this line. The price and parameters differ from each other.


Baliq yemi ishab chiqarish liniyasi US-ZH95


Basic parameters
Model US-ZH95 US-ZH139
Installed power 296 kW 586 kW
Power consumption 177 kW 352 kW
Capacity 800-1200 kg/hour 1500-5000 kg/hour

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